Ok, so Thursdays are my favorite day of the week... :] One: I get to go to Altær. Yay... :D Two: School starts an hour later than usual because we have this "Growth Period" thing... We get the opportunity to go in early for test make-up or help on a lab or w/e you may need to do that week... Hooray! 6 hour school day... haha... and this week it was especially special because I downloaded one of my favorite movies ever: WALL•E... :] Such an awesomely good movie...

So as I said WALL•E is one of, if not, my favorite movie ever... The whole movie talks about love and taking care of everything... Our bodies, Earth, whatever... That's what really made me love this movie... The fact that we were given this BEAUTIFUL planet to live on and to help keep it safe... We've trashed it... :| Destroying a lot of the world's ecosystems is definitely a wonderful way to help preserve this one thing... And considering astronomers still have not been able to find a habitable planet in the dozen-ish years they've been looking gives me a lot of hope for when we eventually blow everything up... Cause we're awesome at that... :\ And anyway, even if we did find a planet that could harbor life, it wouldn't really matter cause we wouldn't be able to get there within half of a century...

Some of the most unique things you can ever see are natural... :\ And to think we don't care and are just destroying everything for malls and other random, useless buildings... One of my favorite and weirdest animals lives in Madagascar and is a cousin to both lemurs and us... The Aye-aye...

Its middle finger is specially made for its eating habits... The Aye-aye eats grubs that are found inside the bark of trees... It taps its long, thin middle finger against the bark rapidly and listens for changes in the sound it makes... When it changes it knows that the area is hollow, which means that there is a bug there tunneling its way through the tree bark... Really unique and well made to do what it does... A really weird plant is the rafflesia... It grows in rain forests where can be up to 3 feet wide and weigh 15 pounds... O.O That's a BIG flower... And that's what it is... ONE BIG FLOWER... It has no stem or leaves so it attaches to a host vine... The flower attracts flies to pollinate it by having the stink of rotting meat... Appetizing...

There is a world of so much we don't know... But people don't care... They just want to make a lot of money... And die miserably... :|
So anyway... I think I'm done with my rant for tonight... :\ haha... I wasn't really trying to get a point across (though if you got a good one... I'm not complaining... haha), I was trying to be informative and I'm going to say that we should have a fascination with everything that we come across... Cause no matter how mundane it seems at first glance, something amazing will usually come from it... :]
P.S. I think you should go watch WALL•E now... cause I sure am... :D yay...! haha...