Saturday, April 11, 2009


Ok, so on Thursday my parents, me, and B-Woz all went to the Bodies exhibit together and when we got there we found out that you could also get into the exhibit next door, Dialog in the Dark, for a little bit me and we had heard from some people that it was really good...  So we decided to give it a shot...  It was a totally eye opening experience (haha)...  

Dialog in the Dark is a thing where you are shown the world through the eyes of a blind person...  The whole building is totally dark and light free...  You get legit canes and stuff too...  But at the end we were sitting in a table at the café (still blind) and our guide let us ask a few questions...  Through the questions, we learned that he himself was actually blind...  Another question brought our guide, Marshall, to ask us how to describe color...  

I've thought of that before and I had realized that there is no plausible way to describe color but some suggestions were thrown out to use temperatures like warm or cool...  That works to a degree, but that doesn't let you grasp the enormity of colors and how they are...  Through the night, once I figured I would try to express my thoughts on this, I was thinking of colors and an adjective to describe them best...  Obviously it can never let someone understand but here's what I got...

For red, I thought and I slowly came up with PASSION...  I don't know why but that was always the word I thought of...  :\

For orange and yellow I thought of LIVELY or ENERGETIC...  Again whenever I see one of those two it linda just makes me want to jump or dance or something...

For blue I thought of SERENITY or CALM... I got that from the ocean and water... When you think of them or are there, you just feel calmed by the soothing sound of the waves crashing or of a babbling brook...  haha...

Whenever I think of purple, it seems to me to be REGAL or ROYAL...  Course it is usually the actual color of royalty so I guess the adjective was biased...  :|  haha...

White is obviously going to be the color of PURITY...  *Wash me as WHITE as snow...  

And then there's black...  What I consider to be INTENSE and CONFINING...  This... This is the only thing that blind people see...  The choking, loneliness of BLACK...  So many times we take for granted color and sight...  After all, our whole society and life is practically based on this sense, the sense that can be the most easily taken away...  All you need to do is take away one thing and its gone...  LIGHT...

Marshall also brought up a topic on how blind people dream...  It was something that none of us had ever really thought about, not even he did until he had asked his totally blind from birth friend who told him that instead of dreaming sights, blind people dreamt with sounds and feelings...  If you think about it it is incomprehensible...  Instead of seeing what you dreamt last night, try to remember it using only touches and sounds... Maybe a little bit of smells too...

I don't even know why I decided to blog on this...  :\  But it is a very interesting thing to think about...  haha...  I guess it's just a way for me to try to be more gracious for the things that no one thinks about...  :\  Our sense of sight is so complex, I can't even begin to try to explain it to my family or friends, much less myself...  @.@

But yea, I guess that that was it...   :|  haha...


  1. The idea of not seeing really freaks me out and makes
    me feel queasy inside for some reason. It just seems
    depressing and like you said, confining.
    The idea of being deaf is even scarier to me. Have you seen
    There Will Be Blood? It show a few scenes through a deaf person.

  2. haha
    I thought of the exact same words for most of those colors.

    The biggest difference was with black. I thought of similar words I guess, but in a more positive way. Black is the color of the night. Of quiet and stillness. It's certainly intense and confining as well. But not necessarily in a bad way every time. Sometimes it's nice to be pinned down and invaded. Sometimes you need it...

    And you skipped Green. :)
    Green is the color of Life to me.
